Yearly Goals for 2025

Yearly Goals for 2025

Reading Time: 5 minutes read

It’s been a while, but I’m back at it and February 2025 has come! That means more goals for the year. I’ve got such a large to-do list this year, as I’m planning on finishing a few projects. I also want to do a blog post a week like I was doing before the holidays. 

I’ve made a Bingo sheet for my goals, and hopefully I will finish the whole thing.

A lot of my goals remain the same as they have in previous years, such as: Reading 3 books a quarter and writing 120k words throughout the year. 


  • In the Shadows: my fanfic. I won’t be posting this with any account associated with me, because it’s a fairly controversial ship. But I’m excited for it, all the same.
  • To the Sky: my sky pirate x princess novel. I plan to commission the cover for this in the summer, so I need to have it completely drafted and edited by then. I finished the draft last year, and it’s running through beta readers right now.
  • Sandalwood: my witch x demon novel. I’ve tried editing it a few times, but I’m hoping to get it ready for beta readers this year. 
  • Her Demons: again, witch x demon novel. This one should be completely finished and ready for beta readers this year, too.
  • Smitten: the sequel to Her Demons. I want to draft this one this year alongside editing the first book.
  • Inertia: a vampire novel. This one takes place in the same universe as Sandalwood and Her Demons, but is in a different city. I’ll be writing this one mostly without an outline—just notes for things as I think of them. I want the first draft finished this year.


On top of reading 3 books a quarter for 12 books in the year, I want to read through The Writing Cartel Storygraph Reading Challenge

  • January: Read a book with your favorite color on the cover
  • February: Read a book written by a minority author
  • March: Read a book with other media based on it
  • April: Read a book by a Writing Cartel member
  • May: Read a book published in your birth year 
  • June: Read a book that was once an oral story
  • July: Read a book in a genre you write
  • August: Read a book written during your favorite era of human history
  • September: Read a book based on a fanfiction
  • October: Reread a book that inspired your writing
  • November: White Elephant Book Exchange
  • December: Read a Writing Cartel book club book

I’m currently reading Broken Sky by Morgan K. Bell. I’m hoping to finish it soon, so I can move onto more books. Watch for a review as soon as I’m done with it and I’ve worked out my thoughts on it. 


  • Reboot Aescasia: My SWADE homebrew campaign. I talked to my players, and we’ve all decided to reboot it, so here goes
  • Horror SWADE Game: I picked up the SWADE Horror Companion, read through it, and now I want to run a horror-based game. It won’t be a long one, because I can’t run two campaigns and still get work done. But it’ll be fun, either way 
  • Game Jams: Game jams are events run on where the goal is to make a video game in a certain timeframe while adhering to a theme. This year I’ll be participating in Pirate Software – Game Jam 16, one of Brackeys’ jams, and GMTK’s jam. I might do more, but these are the three I absolutely want to do. I’ll be on a team with my husband and roommate
  • Get a Literary Agent: This is my biggest dream goal this year. I’d love to be represented by someone, and to get the ball rolling on getting Serenity published

2025 is full of things I want to accomplish. Hopefully, I can fill out the whole bingo sheet. Wish me luck!

Also, I know I keep saying this but: pushing the newsletter off until the reader magnet is complete, which should be sometime in February. I got it back from beta readers and just need to finalize edits on it. So look out for the newsletter in March! If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here or by clicking the Newsletter link at the top of the page.