Title: To the Sky Genre: Fantasy Romance Content Warnings: violence and blood, mild language Target Audience: Adult Fantasy Lovers
One sentence: A princess runs away, into the arms of a sky pirate.
Blurb: Freedom comes with a price, even among the skies.
Tessa is the only child of the Winderian royal family. She’s grown up sheltered in a world where magic is taboo. On the other hand, James is the sky pirate captain of Coincidence. He has the freedom of a mostly law-abiding civilian.
It is one thing that Tessa’s betrothed is an evil sorcerer that wants to take over Winderia by any means necessary, but what she does with that knowledge is much more complicated. Running away gets her nowhere; not with James set out to bring her back to her parents.
Perhaps, together, they can find a way to save the kingdom—and her freedom.
Tessa May Vihur. 20, she/her, Crown Princess of Winderia, the FMC. Would do anything for those she loves. James Edgar Middenhall. Mid-30s, he/him, Captain of Coincidence, the MMC. Values his freedom above all else. Daniel Sawyer. Mid-30s, he/him, First Mate of Coincidence, James’s best friend. He encourages all thing things in James that make him fun. Lord Xensor. Middle-aged, he/him, Royal Advisor to the King of Winderia, the Big Bad. Will do anything to achieve his goals. Craven. Mid-20s, he/him, Assassin, Lord Xensor’s assistant. Loyal to a fault.
Lesser Characters
Daya Vihur
Julius “Jules” Skym
Master Elfryn
Valentine Vihur
Winderia. The Kingdom of Wind and Tessa’s hometown. Ogerith. A neighboring kingdom to the east of Winderia, separated by a giant forest. Sanahra. Massive, sprawling desert kingdom below Winderia. Vranem. A desolate wasteland of a former kingdom.