Blog: 2024 Quarter 4 Goals
Reading Time: 3 minutes read
October was the start of the last quarter of the year. There are only three months left in 2024—the final stretch. I have a million projects, so often I switch which ones I’m working on. I’m hoping not to do that here, though. I also have been mourning the loss of NaNoWriMo for next month.
I’ll live, though.
Here are my goals for Quarter 4 of 2024:

- 30,000 words. I’ll be writing at least 10k words every month. This will put me over 130,000 words for the year—10k more than my initial goal in January.
- Draft and Edit Man’s Best Friend. I’ll be offering this short novella when new members subscribe to my newsletter, which will be available at the end of the month. Keep an eye out! This first newsletter on November 1st will also include a link to this story.
- Edit Her Demons. I’m about 1/3 of the way through editing Her Demons: The Witch’s Curse. I’ve been editing it on and off, but I’d like to actually put a real dent in it this quarter. Maybe even finish it.
- Outline Strange Enough. Usually, I’d be aiming for 50,000 in November, but this November I’d just like to get through as much of my draft of Strange Enough as I can.
I want to read three books by the end of the quarter. Specifically, they are:
- The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo (finished on October 17th, 2024)
- Broken Sky by Morgan K. Bell
- Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson
Website and Social Media
- Post mindfully and often. With all the things going on with a particular social media website, I’m re-evaluating my goals here. I’m only dedicating to posting often, though I’m not sure where. Check out my socials here.
- Start Newsletter. I’m planning to release my first newsletter on November 1st, 2024. I need to finish Man’s Best Friend to go along with it. The form to sign up for the newsletter will go up as soon as the story is finished.
- Blog weekly. I want to post a blog post on Sunday every week. I did so well with this in the beginning of the year, and then I fell off. I’m going to try to get a backlog going so I don’t feel overwhelmed with the schedule.
And that’s it! Those are my goals. I’m going to try to do a post at the end of each month to talk about how I did with my goals. It’s nearing the end of October, so watch for that soon!